Film Roman (as Producer) - 1993


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I Love Lisa (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
Duffless (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
The Front (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
Marge in Chains (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
Snakes & Laddies (1993)
       Film Roman - Mighty Max
Dread Giveaway (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Wright Stuff (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Orson Express (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
Safe at Home (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Hero (1993)
       Film Roman - Bobby's World
Jon the Barbarian (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Next-Door Nuisance (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Bigfeetz (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
No Time for Steamer (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Canine Conspiracy (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Genuine Article (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Best Policy (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Fishy Feline (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Destroy All Buckies (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Cape Feare (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
The Pie-Eyed Piper (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Sweet Tweet Treat (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Floyd Story (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
It's Snow Problem (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Payday Mayday (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
Date of Disaster (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
A Little Time-Off (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
The Longest Doze (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Let Me Help (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Stairway to Stardom (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Unreal Estate (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Legend of Big Thing (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Karate Bobby (1993)
       Film Roman - Bobby's World
Norman's Conquest (1993)
       Film Roman - Mighty Max
Lost and Foundling (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Winter Wonderland (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
Films and Felines (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
The Garfield Musical (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Mind Over Melvin (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
A Bridge Too Short (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Marge on the Lam (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
Knights and Daze (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Holiday Happening (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
Jailbird Jon (1993)
       Film Roman - Garfield
Hare Force (1993)
       Film Roman - U. S. Acres
Pakka's Cool Invention (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
A Day with Dad (1993)
       Film Roman - Bobby's World
Bart's Inner Child (1993)
       Gracie Films - Simpsons
Psycho Bobby (1993)
       Film Roman - Bobby's World
No Way Up (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
It's My Party (1993)
       Film Roman - Bobby's World
Out in the Cold (1993)
       Film Roman - Mighty Max
Escape from Mung Island (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Pulley for You (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro
Laugh, Mammoth, Laugh (1993)
       Film Roman - Cro