Disney (as Producer) - 1949


Screenshots Available Available on Home Video Online Video Available Archived
Pueblo Pluto (1949)
       Disney - Pluto Cartoon
Sea Salts (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Pluto's Sweater (1949)
       Disney - Pluto Cartoon
Winter Storage (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Bubble Bee (1949)
       Disney - Pluto Cartoon
Honey Harvester (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Tennis Racquet (1949)
       Disney - Goofy Cartoon
All in a Nutshell (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
       Disney - Goofy Cartoon
The Wind in the Willows (1949)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)
The Greener Yard (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Sheep Dog (1949)
       Disney - Pluto Cartoon
Slide Donald Slide (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck
Toy Tinkers (1949)
       Disney - Donald Duck