Child Psykolojiky
Studio: Fleischer Studio Release Date : July 11, 1941 Series: Popeye

Cumulative rating:
(3 ratings submitted)


Poopdeck Pappy is annoyed with Sweet Pea and wants to spank him for discipline so he won’t grow up to be a sissy. Popeye disagrees, saying kindness and understanding is what he needs.


(Voice: Jack Mercer)
Poopdeck Pappy
(Voice: Jack Mercer)
Sweet Pea
(Voice: Margie Hines)



Dave Fleischer


William C. "Bill" Nolan
Joseph "Joe" Oriolo


George Manuel


Max Fleischer

Music Sources

Rossini, Gioachino : "William Tell Overture "
Rosas, Juventino : "Sobre las olas (Over the Waves) "




The Popeye Show (Season 1, Episode 9)


United States

Popeye the Sailor - Volume 3 - 1941-1943

Technical Specifications

Running Time: 6:14
MPAA No.: 2759
Animation Type: Standard (Hand-drawn-Cel) Animation
Aspect Ratio: 1.37 : 1
Cinematographic Format: Spherical
Color Type: Black and White
Negative Type: 35mm
Original Country: United States
Original Language: English
Print Type: 35mm
Sound Type: Mono: Western Electric Noiseless Recording

Reviews and Comments

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From Gnik_LJN :

A more-or-less light-hearted character study of the three generations of Popeye's family. Popeye's and Pappy's parental choices are both depicted as a bit silly, with Popeye telling Swee'Pea the story of "George Wash-lincoln" and Pappy using Swee'Pea as target practice particularly weird upon more viewings... and it doesn't go for a lot of laugh-out-loud actions, but since the way the characters are depicted kinda fit their personalities, this short is definitely intriguing in its own way. Did George Germanetti work on this one?
See all comments by Gnik_LJN