This is a compehensive list of the audio errors in the previous Warner DVD. For use to compare with the Blu-Ray.
Incorrect end cues for all. Superman end cue cut and pasted in all of them
Entire short has poor audio quality and skips frequently
"True Justice" instead of "Truth and Justice"
"Mad-ist" instead of "Mad scientist"
Mechanical Monsters:
Untouched aside from end cue
Billion Dollar Limited:
Uses Superman opening cue (in low pitch)
Train noise in title card not heard
"Faster than a speeding bullet" sequence sourced from Superman (with "Truth and Justice" intact oddly enough)
The Arctic Giant:
Fully untouched
The Bulleteers:
Uses The Arctic Giant opening cue (cut after the first go of the main melody)
Uses FTASB sequence from The Arctic Giant
The Magnetic Telescope:
Uses Superman opening cue
Buzzing noise in title card not heard
FTASB sequence sourced from The Arctic Giant
Opening shot cue cut by a second or two
Electric Earthquake:
Fully untouched
Uses The Arctic Giant opening cue (specifically the cut version used in The Bulleteers)
Correct revised FTASB sequence
Terror on the Midway:
Uses The Arctic Giant opening cue (same cut Bulleteers version)
Correct FTASB sequence
"Peanuts!" shortened to just "-nuts!"
Uses Electric Earthquake opening cue
Correct FTASB sequence
Uses Superman opening cue
Incorrect new FTASOL sequence (Showdown has a different lightning animation and faster timing on the narrating) ("This amazing stranger" onwards is lifted from The Arctic Giant, so this whole sequence is a weird frankenstein job)
Eleventh Hour:
Uses Superman opening cue
Opening Sequence from Superman tacked in
FTASB sequence after neither from Superman or Eleventh Hour, but again from The Arctic Giant
Destruction Inc:
Uses Superman opening cue
correct FTASOL but ending portion is taken from The Arctic Giant
The Mummy Strikes:
Uses Superman opening cue
Same as previous FTASOL sequence
Jungle Drums:
Uses Superman Opening cue
Opening sequence from Superman tacked in wholesale (with "True Justice")
The Underground World:
Uses Superman opening cue
same incorrect FTASOL sequence
Secret Agent:
Uses Superman Opening cue
same incorrect FTASOL sequence
*Audio errors are exactly the same as the one found in the heavily spliced prints used in PD tapes. Which leads me to believe Warner used audio from them as their source for most, if not all of them. As many of the other entries often had their openings utterly obliterated, Warner might have copy pasted the Superman opening cue in the rest of them to sync with the video. This causes a whole different issue when the "Director" credit stops having its own card after The Bulleteers, and the Famous entries are plagued with abrupt fade outs before the theme even ends.
Edited by user
a year ago
Reason: Not specified