Here is a general rule of thumb: The world of 8mm and 16mm pirating had a lot of overlap, but they were still two different animals. While a lot of the 8mm prints made by these companies included Astra material that was prepared in 16mm initially, it doesn't always work the other way around. Just because something was sold in 8mm by Whimseyland doesn't mean the same thing was absolutely an Astra TV offering in 16mm. Many of these 8mm prints are dupes of home movie *cutdowns* made by other companies in the 1930s-40s (Keystone, Excel/Exclusive, Novelty, Bergen, Buccheister, et al.). The Astra TV package in 16mm didn't normally rely on old *cutdowns,* instead, they were often based on complete or fairly complete prints...regardless of provenance.
"A Good Time" is probably the Little King cartoon, A Royal Good Time. I have an Astra print with that title. The 8mm packagers were even more careless when it came to stamping the proper character/series names on the boxes. "A Joy Ride" would be a direct copy of Keystone's truncated 8mm/16mm version of the Judge Rummy cartoon, likely with the original title still present.