As replies do not seem possible to the announcement "REGARDING CERTAIN ANIMATORS/DIRECTORS BEING EXPOSED AS SEXUAL PREDATORS - Forum.", I would like to note that I find the approach to be troubling. The announcement could be taken to prohibit questioning the veracity of any allegations (which should never be off topic, otherwise simply making an accusation would be proof that something is inherently true), or as prohibiting debating the acceptability of certain actions (which may in some situations be a significantly grey area). (This differs from, say, prohibiting threats or uncivil discourse; the prohibition prohibits an unpopular opinion, which is the most important type of opinion to protect.)
If someone is not allowed to speak, they are forced to disengage from the conversation, and their mind isn't going to be changed. People should be allowed to make their case and defend their positions. The approach that dissent was not allowed is part of what lets offenders keep their actions dark; the prohibitions on dissent should be removed for the benefit of all, but it needs to apply to everyone for that to work, not just people on one side of an issue. . Keep it civil, and make no threats or intimations of harm.
Originally Posted by: Gasmask Ted