The IAD Forums
Steve Stanchfield
7 years ago
Since we're finally catching up with everything here, and since I was lent some really cool things in 35mm (and managed to get a print of one of my all time favorites that should be available in HD) I thought it would be a good time to do a special set- perhaps the last of these... called:


This special set (BDR) features 12 cartoons that have won various awards- Academy and otherwise- all scanned from rare 16mm and 35mm prints!

This special set is only available for a week- through February 15, 2018 only. All proceeds will go to support scans for Thunderbean sets.

It's $14.95 plus $3 postage in the states, $8 to Canada and the countries. Only available here on IAD forum. Paypal address is Please make sure to include your address, and remember to specify AWARD WINNING CARTOONS.

Thanks all for supporting these things through all these years, and keep tooning in!!

7 years ago
Money sent!!
7 years ago
7 years ago
Del Walker
7 years ago
7 years ago
I hope this one isn't the last!

It's only my first!

If I'd known about these special sets being produced from the start, I would have ordered all of them as they came out! (Should any of the earlier sets ever be re-issued, please let me know.)
7 years ago
Haven't bought any of the latest special discs, but this sounded interesting.
Payment sent from Greece!
7 years ago
Any hints on what titles will be included?
7 years ago
I think this is at least the fifth "last" special set.

May you always be wrong! [daffy]
Steve Stanchfield
7 years ago
I think it's the third or forth! I'm reluctant to do them because they take so much time, but the really cool material keeps showing up.. and it makes sense to have these things available at least to the collecting community since there's a good chance of no 'official' blu-ray release on most of these things..
7 years ago
Dagnabbit! I missed the deadline! Is there anyway I can still order?
7 years ago

Dagnabbit! I missed the deadline! Is there anyway I can still order?

Originally Posted by: ToonStar95 

Seems I missed this deadline too as I thought it was on the weekend, as I wasnt at home.
6 years ago
In case you guys haven't noticed, this set's availability has been extended through February 25 per this thread, though now for $16.95 plus postage: 
6 years ago

In case you guys haven't noticed, this set's availability has been extended through February 25 per this thread, though now for $16.95 plus postage: 

Originally Posted by: Zachary 

I see it's $12 for shipping to other than USA and Canada countries, and I sent $8!

In the initial post in this thread it says:

"$8 to Canada and the countries"
and I thought it was an error for
"$8 to Canada and other countries"
6 years ago
Is there any update on this one?
6 years ago
Hi. I've sent an email to Mr Stanchfield on May 8th about some of his special sets release & availability. Unfortunately, I've never been answered.

Is it possible for him to contact me ? In any case, I've sent a new message today, hoping that he'll answer.

6 years ago
Has anyone received this?
6 years ago
No, it isn't ready yet.
5 years ago
Again, I'd like to ask if anyone has received this..
I'm sure I had read somewhere that these were done and sent, but still I haven't received anything...
  • bort
  • Advanced Member
5 years ago

Again, I'd like to ask if anyone has received this..
I'm sure I had read somewhere that these were done and sent, but still I haven't received anything...

Originally Posted by: titanic 

Yes it came out in December. Like you, I didn't receive my copy so I had to email Steve a whole bunch of times before he finally sent it to me (I finally received it about a week ago).

I created a post  a while back that I've been keeping up to date with the statuses of all Thunderbean & Snappy Video releases, which might be useful if you want to figure out whether something you ordered is still in production or if you just didn't receive it.