Since we're finally catching up with everything here, and since I was lent some really cool things in 35mm (and managed to get a print of one of my all time favorites that should be available in HD) I thought it would be a good time to do a special set- perhaps the last of these... called:
This special set (BDR) features 12 cartoons that have won various awards- Academy and otherwise- all scanned from rare 16mm and 35mm prints!
This special set is only available for a week- through February 15, 2018 only. All proceeds will go to support scans for Thunderbean sets.
It's $14.95 plus $3 postage in the states, $8 to Canada and the countries. Only available here on IAD forum. Paypal address is Please make sure to include your address, and remember to specify AWARD WINNING CARTOONS.
Thanks all for supporting these things through all these years, and keep tooning in!!