We're attempting to replicate 3 titles at almost the same time here now! It's expensive- plus, I've also been getting lots of requests for the older 'special' discs- so many in fact that I've had it turning people down. I thought I'd offer them *all* again, but only for a week- though Monday April 17.
It's a good time for you to catch up on the 'all things Thunderbean' sets while we're doing them one last time.
I've managed to just get out everything I owed a few folks (yes, Ben And Patrick- they are on their way!) so it's time.
Here are the 'special' sets being offered. ALL are BDR only- no dvd versions available any more except on the included disc as part of set 3. (note: The few sets not available here *really* are not available.. please don't ask- they've been too hard to do!)
All are HD transfers with simple menus- no special cases or features, just rare toons in nice transfers. They are $15.95 each plus $3 postage for one or more- $8 for orders out of country. If you'd ordered other title no need for postage- I'll combine.
Be sure to list what one(s) you'd like in the paypal message- and have your address too!.
We'll be trying to send these all out in April.
Paypal to:
steves@thunderbeananimation.com. Thanks all for supporting these things.
Disc 1(Rare cartoons):Coal Black
Scrappy's Art Gallery
Little Match Girl (16mm)
Let's Go
Magic Fluke
Swing you Sinners
Dead End Cats
Disc 2 (GAC in Exile):An Egypian Gyp
Let's All Sing
The Bad Genius
Egg Cracker Suite
Willoughby's Magic Hat
Post War Inventions
Riff Raffy Daffy
Disc 3 (Before the Chains are on the Door):DVD 1: Live action/ Animated Sequences
Blu-ray 2: 35mm IB Technicolor Animated Feature
Disc 4: (Toon O Rama)Beanstalk Jack
The kangaroo Kid
Puttin' Out the Kitten
Red Hot Rhythm
A Peep in the Deep
Indian Whoopie (35mm Nitrate)
Midnight Frollics
Let's Ring Doorbells
Pickeled Puss (35mm IB)
Spring Song (35mm Brewster Color)
Dolly Daisy
Disc 5 (Not available)
Disc 6 (Super secret disc):Popcorn
Club Sandwich
Pastrytown Wedding
Battle of the Barn
Uncle Joey
A Swiss Trick
Disc 7 (While the Telecine is still here):Wise Flies
Tune Up and Sing
*Bum Bandit
The Flop House
*Katnips of 1940
*Little Dutch Mill
*Ding Dong Doggie
*Gandy's Dream Girl
Disc 8 (The Telecine has Landed):Technoracket
Tale of the Monkey
Texas Tom
Boogie Woogie Souix
Shape Ahoy
Room and Bored
Mother Goose's Birthday Party
Gifts from the Air
Goldilocks & Three Bears
3 Bears (silent)
Disc 9 (Cats dogs and Sailors)Of Cats and Men
Hungarian Gouslash
Koko in Toyland
Sandman Tales
Spite Flight
Down the Mississippi
We're on our Way to Rio
The Lumber Champ
The Little Pest
Counterfeit Cat
Barking Dogs
Beach Combers
Disc 10 (2 disc set)
Not available
Disc 11 Collector's ChoiceTheatre De Hula Hula
The Wrong Track
Land O' Cotton
Cave of the Wobbly Wizard
I'm Afraid to go home in the dark
Hansel and Gretel-Mighty Mouse
Aw Nurse-Scrappy
Old McDonald had a farm
Kouse Meets Lion
Run Sheep Run!
Spring Festival
Doing What's Fright
Disc 12 Toon Time 2014Gertie the Dinosaur
Sammy Salvage
The Band Master-Krazy Kat
Stork Raving Mad
Buzz Saws and Dynamite
Taming the Cat
Polar Pals
King for a Day
Sultan Pepper
Technicolor Clip reel
Pink Elephants
The Helpful Genie
Slip is some Redskin
Pastrytown Wedding
Disc 13 Tons of ToonsA Boy and His Dog-35 IB
Wot a Night
Clown of the Jungle IB
Circus- Flip
Beach Peach- Popeye 35 Ib
Office Boy-VB 35 Nitrate
Mouse Cleaning-IB
Bubble Bee- IB
Rabid Hunters-VB
Out West
Cinegraph Sweepstakes
Hector the Pup- 35mm Nitrate
Smoke Scream-Felix
Disc 14 All Sorts of Cartoon Shorts:Coo Coo the Magician
The Witch's Cat
Field and Scream
The Gold Getters
Lady and Tramp Pencil Test
I'm Just a Bill
House Hunting Mice
Baby Wants a Battle-35mm IB
Mischievous Mice- Cubby
The Little Pest (also on disc 9)
The Crunch Bird/Golfer/Crunch Bird 2
Disc 15 On our Way to IB Tech:Opening Night
Family Planning
It's only the Beginning
Nutty Pine Cabin
Swing Your Partner
Jungle Jive
Pink Phink
Insect to Injury
Let's Go
A Sheep in the deep
We're on Our Way to Rio
Little Match Girl
Disc 17: Thunderbean Thursday 2015 discLoch Ness Legend
Case of Unfinished Melody
Matty's Funday Funnies
AC delco Commercial
Fresh Ham
Tom Thumb in King Arthur's Court
Sammy Salvage
Hector the Pup
Man on the Land
Felix Dines and Pines
Opening Night
Cinegraph Sweepstakes
Disc 18: Animated Feature and Shorts:A 35mm Ib Tech feature and related cartoons
Disc 19: Polytiks and PoultryIt's a Living- Dinky Scope 35mm IB
Topsy TV- John Doormat Scope IB 35mm
Studie #11
Jitterbug Jive- Popeye
Alladin- 35mm Nitrate Pal
The Old House- Bosko MGM
Fable of the New Deal
Eqyptian Daze
Little Match Girl- 35mm print IB
Disc 20 End of the ReelFantasmagorie
Sassy Cats-Scrappy
Cartoonland Mysteries
Greatest Man in Siam
Daffy Dilly- Cinecolor
Loose Nut-35mm IB
Puppet Love-35mm IB Popeye
The Enemy Bacteria
Moonlight for Two
Rabbitt Every Monday- 35mm IB
Disc 21: Grand Old ToonsDisc 22: All Scrappy/ All WarnersDisc 23: Cartoon Cornered (out of order on this list)
Along Flirtation Walk
The Wolf at the Door- Scrappy
The Love Affair of Ima Knut
Perils or Pearl Pureheart
Pop Goes your Heart
The Sheepish Wolf
Nitrate Clip Reel
Cheese Burgler
Planet Patrol
Disc 24: HD Ragdoll Feature and Cartoons (out of order on this list)
Edited by user
7 years ago
Reason: Not specified